
There, now I have your attention… The theme for the eighth issue of Beatdom is “sex”. That means we want to know what the Beats thought about sex, what they wrote about sex, what influence sex had upon their work, who they had sex with, when they had sex… Sex sex sex.

Maybe “sex” strikes you as more than fucking. Maybe you want to explore the Beat Generation and gender. The “sex” issue means what our writers want it to mean.

As usual, we will be accepting poems, artwork and short stories, but preference will be given to informative pieces of non-fiction relating to the Beat Generation, or at least to literature.

Examples: You could write about Kerouac’s sex life, about eroticism in Ginsberg’s poetry, obscenity in Burroughs’ books, sexism against female poets. There’s a 1977 issue of National Screw (a porno mag) that features both an interview with Ginsberg and a short story by Burroughs (called ‘Los Ninos Locos’). Why was literature so often tied to pornography?

Deadline for submissions is November 1st. Send all submissions to along with a brief bio and a description of the submission.

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